Student Expectations for Hybrid Learning
We acknowledge and understand that students may be required to stay home, and not physically be at school, due to staggered on campus schedules or quarantining. Every classroom has been outfitted with new Hybrid Learning technologies to ensure that you can still be present and participate in daily activities. Whether on campus or at home, each student must adhere to these Remote and Hybrid Learning Guidelines.
Student Expectations:
Be present for learning and stay on screen as requested by the teacher. Students should demonstrate consistent behaviors at home and in the classroom.
No virtual backgrounds - as they can be a distraction to all parties
Student name must be full name
Adhere to the rules and expectations set by the teacher each day
Virtual or in person, students are expected to be on time for class
Each teacher will have their remote link available for each class
School work should be completed on a school-issued device, submitted on-time through Google Classroom
All work must be completed and saved to their Google Drive
School issued devices should not be used for personal use both during and after classes
Chat features and photo sharing will remain disabled.
Emails will only be used to communicate with teacher accounts.
Students have responsibility for taking care of their school-issued devices: be gentle with devices, clean weekly, and designate a storage spot in the classroom or home.
School issued devices should be charged and ready for learning every day.
Cell phones and other personal devices should be turned off and put away.
Family Support for Learning with Technology:
Partnership between home and school is a critical factor in the success of Remote Learning. The list below provides best practices for a productive learning environment.
Discuss the importance of comportment and digital citizenship when on screen.
Provide a quiet work space with seating for student learning at home.
Ensure devices are fully charged at the beginning of the day.
Keep a current list of usernames and passwords nearby for easy reference.
Send all requests to the Tech Help Desk via email or phone.
Be sure that student cell phones are turned off and put away.