Khan Academy
Beyond offering tutorial videos, Khan Academy has guided practice for the CCSS standards. Teachers can create classes, assign videos and practice and track students' progress.
Beyond offering tutorial videos, Khan Academy has guided practice for the CCSS standards. Teachers can create classes, assign videos and practice and track students' progress.
The Basics
The Basics
Khan Academy provides a "course" for teachers to get started using Khan Academy.
Khan Academy provides a "course" for teachers to get started using Khan Academy.
It contains 7 lessons including:
It contains 7 lessons including:
The course is a combinations of videos, articles, and practice. Some of the individual videos are linked on this page.
Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
Best Practices
Best Practices
The videos below are 30 minute webinars created during the spring by teachers and Khan Academy targeted for specific areas of teaching. The grade block videos have more of a math focus, and there are videos for other subject areas below too.
Professional Development
Professional Development