Teaching with Technology
Thinking about what you need, and what will work for you and your students.
- Think about what you would like to do for your lesson, remember content and learning come first, and the technology is there to support the teaching and learning.
- Remember to start small, pick one to three (tops) pieces of technology.
- It can be helpful to think about the parts of your lesson
- Content Delivery
- Student Practice
- Assessment
- All of the technology listed below can be used in different ways, click on the dropdown arrow to learn more about each piece of technology. Click on the icon or title to go to a page designed to help you learn how to use the technology.

6:50 - What does learning look like? 27:04 - Digital White Boards
11:45 - Learning Management Systems 31:54 - Collaboration
15:50 - Live Streaming 37:30 - Interactive Learning
23:35 - Video Recording 41:52 - Formative Assessment
Choosing the Tech that will work for you
In this webinar, Erin is presenting for the New England League of Middle Schools, sharing Tech and Tips to Enhancing Learning. If you are not sure what type of technology you want to use or how you want to use technology, this webinar will help make some decisions on tech you want to explore.
ClassKick is a site that allows teachers to create digital work spaces for students and watch them work in real time. It allows students and teachers to help students when they get stuck, and teachers to monitor student progress whether in class or remote. Free version allows 20 assignments (but assignments can be any length).
FlipGrid is a website that allows students to create short videos to turn into the teacher and/or share with the class. It can be a great way to have students interact with each other, no matter where they are learning. Students can record their thoughts and comment on peers contributions. There are safe guards in place that restrict users to your domain only, and allow the teacher to preview work before releasing to all students
Padlet is a website where the teacher can create interactive digital bulletin board. Teacher and students can post to the boards: text, pictures, videos, websites, and other digital content. They can interact with previous posts, comment back and forth to continue the discussion and learning.
View this page to find the interactive white board that will suit your needs.
Pear Deck is an Add-On for Google Slides that makes a teacher's slide presentation interactive for students. Teachers add different Pear Deck features/questions to their slides, like drawings, text, draggables, multiple choice, as well as a library of pre-made slides. When teachers start a Pear Deck they share the code with students and students are participating in an interactive lesson no matter where they are located. Teachers can watch student progress in real time using the teacher dashboard, and can share answers with the class to enhance discussion.
NearPod is a website that allows you to upload a power point, google slides, or a video (a recent addition) and make it an interactive lesson for students. There are features like polls, collaborative boards, game-like assessments. Follow students' progress in real time regardless of where they are located.
Insert Learning is a Chrome Extension that allows the teacher to make any website interactive. You can highlight parts of the website, insert sticky notes, questions or discussion sections to allow students to interact with the content on any website.
EdPuzzle is a website that allows the teacher to add interactive questions to a video that is delivering content. You can use a video you have created or one you have found online. Create stoping points throughout the video to ensure students' viewing, participations, and interaction with their learning.
Khan Academy has a wide range of instructional videos as well as guided practice. Teachers can create classes and choose specific content to assign to students. Teachers can monitor student progress. There is also a feature called "Mappers" that uses the students' NWEA MAP score to guide them to practice on their current learning level to help them grow.
Quizlet is a place where you can assign vocabulary or other key pieces of information in your course to your students. Students then have the ability to study the vocabulary or facts through several games, including matching, and spelling. Quizlet also allows you to play Quizlet Live, an interactive game with your students, and there are new updates this year that will allow for distance and blended learning
Kahoot is a game based practice that allows you to create review and practice questions for students. They can work together or individually. Students will need to be able to see the teacher's screen as well as have their own device to select their answers. This can be done through remote learning by splitting their screen into two viewing windows, one with the livestream and one with the Kahoot student board.
Allows teacher and student to interact with and write on PDF's and other documents. Free version includes: Highlight, Underline, Strikethrough, Add Text Box, Text Comments, Insert Shapes, Freehand Drawing, Active Stylus Support, Google Drive Auto Save, and Scanned Documents (OCR).
Student Practice
Blooket is an online game where students can practice facts. Teachers can create questions banks and students can play on their own devices while competing against classmates.
Discovery Education offers standards aligned digital resources to enhance your content and curriculum. Great for math, science, social studies, and STEM.
A subscription based website that allows teachers to assign specific practice for students based on standards in mathematics, language arts, science, social studies, and Spanish.
Newsela is a news source that has a large selection or articles that are added to every day. There are articles that cover every subject. Each article's reading level can be adjusted based on the grade you teach or for differentiation in your classroom. In addition, there are quizzes that are based around specific skills.
A subscription based website where teachers can create their own digital quizzes and activities or search and access those created by other teachers. Teachers are able to monitor student work and provide feedback all within the digital accounts.
BrainPop is a subscription based website that has short educational videos on a wide variety of topics. Along with each video, teachers and students can access 10 questions quizzes, graphic organizers, practice and notes pages, and games connected to that topic.
This free to access site goes beyond the Desmos graphing calculator and offers interactive activities to help students discover the how and why of mathematics. You can access the library of activities or create your own. Then see your student work in real time, and provide feedback.
Created by PhET, University of Colorado Boulder, PhET Lab Interactive Simulations offer a virtual way to bring science and math exploration into the physical and virtual classroom. There are over 150 interactive simulations covering topics in biology, chemistry, earth science, math, and physics.
Canva is a graphic design site to help you create professional designs for all sorts of educational purposes. You could make classroom decorations, business cards, fliers, or lesson materials. This is also a great way to help your students become creators as well. Let them use Canva to demonstrate their learning in a infographic, pamphlet, sticker, t-shirt design and much more.
WeVideo is an online video editing software. There is a free version, however the paid version allows access to more features and content, including the use of the green screen. Teachers can create classes and assignments. Students can create videos and podcasts/
Ted Ed videos are a free resource that contain TedTalks specifically ment for teachers and students.
Content Delivery
Student Practice
coming soon
Teaching Coding
Code for All Minds is a website full of videos and curriculum to help students with various special needs learn how to code. This site was created by Sreenidi Bala (high school class of 2025) in early 2020 to help assist her classmates in learning how to code.
Tynker is a great site for content area teachers to incorperate coding into their lessons. Tyker is a paid site that offers lessons for k-12 including AP computer science classes. There are lessons and activities specific to various types of coding, as well as lessons and activities for English, Math, Science and History classes.
A free website that has computer science courses and lessons about coding for grades k-12 including AP Computer Science. Lessons and unit range in length from a single lesson to plans for a full quarter.
Content Delivery
Student Practice
coming soon
Learning Management Systems
Google Classroom is a learning platform that uses the collaborative nature behind Google Docs and the rest of the Google Apps for Education. Communicate with students, create assignments, grade and give feedback to your students
Showbie is a learning management system that allows teachers to distribute and collect materials to students. The free version is limited, however, an advantage to this system is the ability to handwrite on pages. This feature is integrated into the system.
A Bitmoji Classroom is a fun way to create a personalized learning environment. You can create links to the tools and sites students will use, while also providing a weekly agenda or lesson outline.
Live Streaming & Video Creation
Zoom is a live streaming app that allows students to connect remotely with their teachers. Features include
Waiting Room
Breakout Rooms
Share screen
Write on Screen
Google Meets is part of Google apps, and allows students to connect remotely via video with their teachers. Google meets links can be added automatically to your Google classroom for easy access for students. There are several add-ons that allow teachers to have different features like seeing students in grid views or creating breakout rooms.
ScreenCast-O-Matic is a free screen recording application that also allows you to edit your videos. This is a great way to create pre-recorded lessons for your students.
Showbie is a learning management system that allows teachers to distribute and collect materials to students. The free version is limited, however, an advantage to this system is the ability to handwrite on pages. This feature is integrated into the system.