Digital Classrooms

Digital Classroom 

What and Why of Learning Management Systems?

A learning management system is a way of organizing digital materials and assignments. It is a "one-stop-shop" for students to access the content for their class, links needed to participate in live streaming, videos to watch, and assignments to complete. It is a way for teachers to help organize their course content, making an easy digital flow of information. When picking a learning management system, it is important to consider the types of tools you want it to house. It is also important to consider if all teachers need the same learning management system, or if there is flexibility for teachers to use what works for them. 

Learning Management Systems 

(Tools to create your digital classroom)

Google Classroom is a learning platform that uses the collaborative nature behind Google Docs and the rest of the Google Apps for Education.  Communicate with students, create assignments, grade and give feedback to your students

Showbie is a learning management system that allows teachers to distribute and collect materials to students. The free version is limited, however, an advantage to this system is the ability to handwrite on pages. This feature is integrated into the system. 

A Bitmoji Classroom is a fun way to create a personalized learning environment. You can create links to the tools and sites students will use, while also providing a weekly agenda or lesson outline. 

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous or Flipped Classroom

An asynchronous class is where students are using resources you have provided to guide their learning and practice, but doing so at different times. A flipped classroom is when students watch a prerecorded lesson at home, and come to class to practice their learning with the teacher present. There are certainly advantages of these method, it frees the teacher, rather than teaching the same lesson several times, they can record their teaching once and have students view. Then they have more time to work with individuals or small groups. The advantage for students is they can work on their assignments at a time that works for them. By viewing a video of a lesson, students can pause and rewind to better understand the concept being taught. It can also help free them of distractions and focus on their learning. In an asynchronous or flipped class, it is important that there are systems set in place for students to ask questions and get help as needed. 

Tools for Video Creation


ScreenCast-O-Matic is a free screen recording application that also allows you to edit your videos. This is a great way to create pre-recorded lessons for your students. 

Showbie is a learning management system that allows teachers to distribute and collect materials to students. The free version is limited, however, an advantage to this system is the ability to handwrite on pages. This feature is integrated into the system. 

Live Streaming

What and Why of Live Streaming?

Live streaming is a way to bring students into your classroom when they are not there physically. Students can log into a live stream and participate in class in real time. It allows students to ask questions, share thoughts, and collaborate with classmates. Live streaming allows teachers to connect with students, monitor student learning and comprehension, teach directly to all students, and answer student questions. This is different than prerecording a lesson that students watch in their own time. Live streaming is a synchronous way of learning and teaching. 

Tools for Live Streaming

Zoom is a live streaming app that allows students to connect remotely with their teachers. Features include

Google Meets is part of Google apps, and allows students to connect remotely via video with their teachers. Google meets links can be added automatically to your Google classroom for easy access for students. There are several add-ons that allow teachers to have different features like seeing students in grid views or creating breakout rooms.