Quizlet is a place where you can assign vocabulary or other key pieces of information in your course to your students. Students then have the ability to study the vocabulary or facts through several games, including matching, and spelling. Quizlet also allows you to play Quizlet Live, an interactive game with your students, and there are new updates this year that will allow for distance and blended learning
The Basics
Creating a Study Set
This video covers how to create a study set and how to share that study set with your students. You can share the set with a specific class (please see the video below for more information) or you can make your study sets public so your students don't need to join a class.
Beyond Basics
Sharing Study Sets with Google Classroom
This video explains how to use sync Google Classroom and Quizlet.
Creating Classes in Quizlet
This video explains how to create a class in quizlet, and share with your students. What is nice about this feature is that classes can be used over again each year by simply having your new students sign into the class.
Quizlet Live w/Distance Learning
Quizlet live is an interactive review game that puts students into groups. (Recommend for in person instruction or to use for just your in person cohort, although it may be difficult while social distancing).

Quizlet live now allows students to play individually instead of in teams. (Recommended for blended learning, or in person learning while social distancing).
If you aren't sure how to make break out rooms, please see our Zoom page. (Recommended for full distance learning. In order for this to work with blended learning students in class will need earbuds with microphones).